If you are a researcher and are working very hard to publish your research papers,
or you have published papers recently and you are thinking about how to increase your paper citation and grow your citation score then this article is for you.
During the research, once you plan your experiment and after conduct experiment come up with your data the next part is you try to write your research papers, publish them in a reputed journal
The final step is to promote your publication among other researchers, stimulate them to follow or refer your research work and in this way you get a citation of your work which leads to increase your citation score, improve your author matrix.
Once you start your research career you are trying to accumulate debt like research articles, book chapters from different sources, and these sources you try to read them come up with your new idea, by following the method these reference articles become your guide for citing their work.
Just the once your published research paper in open access and if this is your work people try to read this work, referred your research, and add citation in your pocket.
These citations of authors, researchers, and teachers of a university increase the world university ranking and improve the author platform.
Most of the researchers are looking for some helpful techniques to increase the citation score, thus today in this article I would like to share some tips and tricks with effective strategies for increasing citation frequency from low to high level.
How to increase your citation using tips and tricks
The first thing is you have to publish your research work, I mean it sounds stupid but there’s no way you can be cited without publishing.
Once you published your research paper in a journal at that time half of your work is done and now it’s time to promote your research and achieve citation.
Here are a few tips and tricks to increase your citation with the use of some online promotion and circulation strategies of your research paper
1. Author name in research paper
Before publications, you can add the author order in your paper, use this name in each published work forever until you die, and you want to be careful about what you publish because you don’t want to be cited for the wrong reasons.
An important thing is that, if this is possible to keep the same name while still publishing it does confuse algorithms.
It does confuse people if you change your name halfway through your publishing career people don’t realize they’re citing the same person or author.
So take care and first of all, you’ve got to publish with a name that’s consistent across your publishing career.
2. Affliction address of each author
For better publication and reliable circulation, the standardization of author affiliation address (any institute or university) is important to make sure work has been carried out in proper order and the citation of the author is linked with the reputation institution affiliation.
3. Create your profile on different scientific platforms.
Author should need to join some creamy social networking sites such as Academia, Research Gate, Google Scholar, orchid IDs, and LinkedIn and also create an account on these platforms to get update, connection with the different scientific community and also grasp benefits in your research.
Read: How to Get a Free Research Gate Account Without an Institutional Email Address
How To Create A ResearchGate Account And Why It’s Important
4. Upload your research on social platforms.
Once published immediately upload your research article on-site on social platforms such as Research gate, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. where you can make your research attract an audience from different backgrounds.
5. Publishing lots of papers
If you have a good amount of data and if you are planning to publish your data, then make a schedule. Try to plan your writing and publish your research articles on a regular basis and focus on depositing your papers in open access repositories.
For example, we can see that in 2020, author A published more than 20 papers and found that articles published in high impact factor journals increased the probability of getting cited an extra number of times as compared to author B, who published only 5 papers in 2020.
6. Keywords and phrases in your research paper
Make a list of some keywords relevant to your study and repeat them on the abstract page of your paper.
Since search engines and citation trackers search the website of your article, the normal repetition of keywords increases the chance of your people being retrieved more and using keywords is a vital part of abstract writing.
So the keywords are the search terms used in any research paper that is specific and that reflect what is essential about your paper number.
7. Publish more review articles comparing your research articles.
The review paper is more likely to be cited more than an original research paper and other articles.
You can publish your review articles by collecting the published research articles and these articles you are reading, looking for some new input from your site planning your experiment by referring to these research articles.
Draft a review paper by giving your own input like the need to be very specific with your keywords and when you are publishing your review article.
Focus to it that you have a good amount of references cited in your review articles that can promote your research work and generate citation in future.
8. Do collaborative work with different scientific communities.
If you are working on a particular area, you can find other different research groups that are also involved in working on similar or different aspects related to your field.
Try to communicate with them, try to collaborate with them, try to request from them that you will share your authorship with them and ask them whether they can accommodate you as a co-author and like this you can improve your research paper circulation at the same time it also increases your citation scope.
Study says that the authors who are often involved in international collaboration receive more citation numbers.
9. Work with research journals
Work with the journals where you can act as a reviewer and upgrading your scientific knowledge in a particular field.
Imagine you are reviewing a paper related to your field and if you are reading that paper, reviewing that paper and see any lacunae in that paper and think that this research gap in the paper can be addressed by your research articles and try to fill this research gap or lacuna by referring your research article
10. Target journals for publication
Every researcher wishes to submit the research findings in UGC-CARE, SCI, Scopus index, Elsevier’s and PubMed, etc. reputed Journals and ignore the journal which is non-Scopus or new journals or journals offering a free publication.
My dear learners, I would like to add a note that if you try to target these journals like once a year and you have any research paper with a mini-review then you try to focus on journals which are new, offering free publications etc.
You get more advertisement in your research as these new journals are trying to promote their published research articles and simultaneously your research or review article published in these journals indirectly will be promoted
The free online availability increases a people’s impact number and freely accessible articles increased citations by 50% or more number.
11. Try to target special issues of research journals.
In a special issue of every journal, there are lots of calls for paper every year and on the yearly basis for contributing research article in special issues which are published by any publishing agency and different scientific publishes.
These special issues are authorized to get more contributions and if your research article fits into this special issues then you get wide publicity which attracts more audience and get citations.
12. Try to attend more conferences.
In the conferences you tend to meet with different scientific audience and scientific communities who are working on different aspects of science or different fields are simply related to your research and on this gathering.
You can try to share your knowledge, try to get updated and try to participate by presenting your research paper or findings where you can get more quotes and will be converted in citation near future.
13. Take expert advice
Expert advice is very valuable, highly valuable no matter who you are, the expert advice is highly essential even the principal researchers who have flourished in the scientific field one time or the other during the scientific journey they have done the same expert advice.
You can also talk to your supervisors, seniors’ colleagues or your competitors to get benefitted.
Wrappig Up
This is all about citation and how to increase citation using tips and tricks and hope tips help you in the promotion of your published research work and gaining more citation to meet your academic goal, and get success in life,
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Genral FAQ Related to Citation
Q 1. What is a Citation?
It is a method used to refer to another source we used in your research or manuscript or the way you tell your readers that certain things in your work come from another source.
Q 2. How to increase paper citation
Promote your publication among other researchers, motivate them to follow or pass on your research work and in this way get a reference of your work that leads to increase your citation points and improve your author’s matrix.
Q 3. Tips to increase citation Score
After publication promote your research paper, join social media sites, add the right keyword to the research, publish your work regularly, improve the author’s platform etc.
Q 4. How do I find citation of a paper?
By using indexed search on the Web of Science, Google expert and other search engine helps you identify your citation, for example you can search using the author’s name and year of publication.
Q 5. Citation Booster
Promote, promote and promote your research work is only the citation booster
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