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Research Journal Metric to Understand the Journal Criteria for Paper Submission

If you are searching for the journal for your research paper publication

you have to know the criteria of a reputed journal matric and after the evaluation, you can decide whether either journal is good or not

In this article, we are going to discuss the Top journal metric used for Journal  evaluation and indexing which decide the criteria of a journal

all these metrics are world-renowned and mostly used for the evaluation of the journal criteria, all these metrics discussed in this article are picked from reliable sources like web of science, Scopus, and expert advice

if you find any difficulty email us for any help

If you decide to submit your manuscript for publication in a research journal, it is important to understand the common journal metrics which help you decide whether the journal is suitable for your publication or not.

Journal metrics are the measurement, and comparison of scientific and scholarly publications, often on any database, and are also referred to as journal impact, journal importance, journal ranking, and journal evaluations which allow scientists and researchers to compare peer-reviewed scientific journals with other journals, magazines, and more.

Here are some of the most popular metrics used for the calculation of journal metrics, and these metrics,  are usually divided into different categories on the basis of source, like Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, and the Journal Citation Report sources used for the calculation of the journal metric.

The database is used to calculate each journal or magazine’s metrics on the basis of the criteria set and the statements and figures that are used to measure the prestige of a journal within its database.

In general, all the reputed journals are analyzed on the basis of the following metrics.

Please note: There are no perfect indicators for the evaluation of the journal metric and the pro and cons of each of the metric systems of measures are there. However, we must trust some metrics for the selection of a suitable journal for our research paper, which will save our time and effort, and ensures a quality solution.


Top journal metric used for Journal  evaluation

The 5-Year Impact Factor metric  (Web of science

The Impact Factor is calculated by collecting the citation score of each article and the number of articles published in the last 5 years.

The 5-year impact factor is the average number of citations on articles published within the last five years, as per the JCR year report and it is calculated by dividing the number of citations in a JCR year by the total number of articles published in the last five years.

The calculation is as follows

The Eigenfactors Metric (Web of science

In many fields, scientific papers are often not cited, within a few years of their publication and in this, the citation data in the first two years after the date of publication may be misleading.

The Eigenfactor score and the impact score of the items have been calculated on the basis of citations received in a period of five years.

Hence the Eigenfactor is based on the weighted citations per JCR year by the articles published within the last 5 years. Citations are weighted by the prestige of the cited journal, and quotes from high-ranking journals, to contribute to their own factor, rather than low-ranked journals.

Source: Eigenfactor

The Article influence metric  (Web of science

Article influence shall be calculated by dividing the Eigenfactor score, by a percentage of all of the articles and journals recorded in the citation reports that were published in the pages of this magazine and its rating will be determined by the average of the effect of the item (s) within the first five years of its publication.

It is calculated by multiplying the equity factor is 0.01, and dividing the result by the number of articles in the journal, normalized as a share of all articles in all publications.

The equation is as follows:

Where X = 5 years, the number of articles in journals and Magazines, divided by a 5-year, the number of articles from all journals.

The Article influence metric  (Web of science

The immediacy index is the average number of citations of a paper in the year of its publication and this index is calculated by dividing the number of citations to articles published in a given year by the total number of articles published this year.

Because of this, it is to the average value for each of the articles, the Immediacy Index, and has the tendency to discount the benefits of large logs across the world.  

The journal Immediacy Index is calculated by using the following formula:

The journal immediacy index indicates how quickly an article is cited.

The Impact factor metric (Web of science

The Impact factor of a journal is calculated by any database by taking the average number of citations on articles published within the last two years and in the JCR year.

The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of citations per JCR year by the total number of articles published in the previous two years.

For example: If the journal has an impact factor of 10 in 2020, that means all the articles published in 2018 and 2019 have, on average, 10 citations each during that period

 For example, we calculate the IF of journal X in 2020

In this case, we take data only from citable articles published from 2018 to 2019 years

The CiteScore metric (Scopus metric) 

CiteScore metric is the part of the Scopus Data, which is the SNIP (Source Normalized Impact on the Stock), SJR (SCImago Journal Rank), and the number of citations and documents, and the percentages are enclosed in quotation marks.

With the inclusion of such data in Scopus, you can get information about the impact of citations for more than 22,220 titles.

CiteScore metrics are part of the permanent collection of the research data available on or Scopus database and support a holistic view of the results of the study.

CiteScore is the number of citations received by the journal in one year to documents published in the three previous years, divided by the number of documents indexed in Scopus published in the same three-year period.

The SJR metric (Scopus metric)

The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is the average number of weighted citations received in a particular year by the documents published in a particular journal during the previous three years, i.e., weighted citations received in year X to documents published in a journal during the period of the X-1, X-2, and X-3.

Citations can be definite as the prestige of the cited journal, and so a direct citation from a top-ranked journal will have a greater impact than just a citation from a low-ranked, and research.

For example, you can see the SJR score of the Journal on SJR journal ranking, with the help of various disciplines, journals, subject categories, and publications in the following regions/countries, in the year of publication

The SNIP metric (Scopus metric)

The source of Normalizing Effect on the Paper (SNIP) measures the average citation at the year X to papers published in the last 3 years. The citation is added to the citation potential of a specific journal category, which is the metric of comparison across the different disciplines.

It does this by comparing each of the journal’s citations by publication and the citation potential of the area, which is defined as a set of publications citing that journal.

So, the SNIP is the quick and easy way to measure the citation impact and allows you to compare journals in a variety of fields because the cost of a direct citation is greater for journals in the areas where the citation is to reduce the frequency, and vice-versa.

The SNIP will be calculated annually on the basis of Scopus data, and it is freely available, along with a CiteScore and SJR at Scopus Website

The Google Scholar Metric (Google Scholar)

It provides authors an easy way to make a quick review of the visibility and the impact of recent articles in scholarly publications and summarize the recent links to several publications, to help authors as they consider where to publish their new research.

The most important metric for Google Scholar is the H5-index, which is based on the articles published in the last 5 full calendar years.

Read: How To Conduct A Literature Review Using Google Scholar Step By Step Guide

It seems to that of h-index, but it also includes the most frequently cited h articles (h-core), and the median number of citations, h-median), and one can check these citations of each article by clicking on the H-index

You can check out the Google metric of journals on the Google scholar baseboard by the selection, category of the journal, subcategories for specific publications in all languages, and their names.

The H-index metric (any sources)

The H-index has been calculated on the basis of data from a variety of sources, such as Web of Science, Google Scholar or Scopus, etc. The h-index attempts to measure the productivity and citation rate of all of an author’s published work.


It indicator that determines the number of articles (h), which has been cited at least h times of the day

For example, the h-index is 25, which means 25 articles have been cited at least 25 times each.

Please note: Due to the differences in coverage between citation databases, and for each resource, you can specify a different value of the h-index for each author.

Let’s calculate the h-index of a journal having 10 articles (h) that received at least  8 citations. To measure the performance of peer-reviewed scientific journals, and scientific impact, as well as links to the scientists, countries, etc.

The journal total article count is 9 and out of which almost the first 8 papers (1 to 8) are cited at least 8 times or more

Hence the H-index value is = 8

Last but not least ISI ranking and Altmetrics are also used for the calculation of journal metrics.

ISI ranking metric: In this metric, the rating of the journals is on the base of impact factor, and the rating must be 2 years old or a 5-year-old impact factor and sourced by a web of science. Do not compare 2 years ranking with the 5 year ranking of a journal. “The position has always been in the context of a particular class.” In this section, you will need to see the logs in the same category and type. Therefore, the logs are ordered within a given category based on theirs.

Altmetrics metric;  It is a metric of any of the sources, such as Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed Central, and Google Scholar citations; citations in the document.

Altmetrics goes beyond the traditional citation metrics for the measurement of social visibility around a scientific article. This information is based on a wide range of metrics, such as tweets, blog mentions, news, sites, media, social bookmarks, reviews, articles, and downloads.

Wrapping Up

This is all about this article and hopes these journal metrics help you in the section of the journal before submission of your paper to that particular journal,

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General FAQ Related to Journal Metrics

Q 1. What is the Journal Metrics Meaning?

It is defined as the measurements, and comparison of scientific research and scientific publications, often in a database.

Q 2. How do I find journal metrics?

All of the indicators of metrics are based on the journals indexed by the Web of Science, can be found in the Journal Citation Reports, and Google scholar, and some of the Scopus-based metrics can be obtained from the SCOPUS platform.

Q 3. What are the Different Types of Journal Metrics?

Original metrics are the journal’s impact factor, which was founded in 1950 and is also available by means of the Thompson Reuters citation (JCR) Reports. Recently, a lot of the other free journals’ metrics and statistics have been published, including CiteScore, Eigenfactor, Google Scholar Data, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), and Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP), etc  

Q 4. Why Journal Metric is Important

They can be used to evaluate the impact of a journal, and this impact value of a journal is the official assessment and journals credit rating, which allows scientists and researchers to compare these journals  in the scientific literature with other journals, magazines,  and newsletters, etc


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