If you are researching how to build the best author platform, Your search is over now
Then you are in the right place because here we are discussing the author platform and some key requirements to build the best author platform in this article.
After reading this article in detail, it guarantees that you can improve your or any other author’s platform.
All these steps and key points are gathered after extensive research and discussion with experience in this field.
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One of the first things journal editors and other publishing editors will do when they receive your research paper or book proposal is to see that you either have a powerful online presence or an author platform.
Before they finish reading yourproposal, letter, suggestion, etc. the editors will check you online.
What is an Author Platform?
The author platform is a testament to your ability to market and promote your write-up or books online.
It is defined as the ability of an author to market their work by using their overall online visibility to reach the target audience of potential readers and the power of the author platform is measured by the ability of an author to use their influence and access to sell books and improve their writing career.
Today, the ability to write is not enough to compensate for the lack of a solid platform.
No matter how original your book idea is, or how well yourproposalis written, unless you can convince editors and associate editors that you will be able to promote your book successfully, they are unlikely to be interested in investing time and money in your project.
An effective author platform is built with the help of 7 key elements, all are mentioned in detail below.
With a basic understanding of the author’s platform, you will be better able to evaluate the performance of your existing online presence and make any necessary improvements.
Some key requirements to build the best author platform
1. Control in the author platform
Control, or independence, is one of the most important aspects of an effective author’s platform. The author must enjoy full control of their appearance and content online. The writer, on the other hand, should be able to decide which subjects to cover, how they will cover each topic, and when they will do so.
In the past era, writers would post their platforms in magazines or in newspaper clippings.
For example, the editors and editing calendars often mentioned the topics the authors wrote about, how they incorporated them into the topics and when the articles appeared.
This type of remote control does not work in today’s growing world full of technology.
Texts,blogs, newsletters, and online audio/video options give modern writers the control they need to build their products and advertise their books without external interference. It is up to modern writers, however, to develop an idea and make it happen.
2. Low cost or no cost in the author platform
Authors’ platforms were often based on newsletters that were printed and posted on a monthly or bi-monthly basis or impressive websites created by web developers and program editors.
Nothing else works today, and the rising costs involved in producing, printing, addressing, and mailing reduce their effectiveness.
Similarly, authors cannot afford the cost and delays of paying a web designer to update their websites.
The high cost of production and distribution is not matched by successful author forums. Authors must build their platforms on messages that they can create and distribute without incurring external construction or distribution costs.
3. Quickness in the author platform
Authors can no longer afford the luxury of waiting or wasting time. There is no time for writers to wait for webmasters to make the changes they want on their websites or to wait for newsletters to be edited, printed, and mailed.
Today’s readers live in an era of instant news and instant email. Students are provided with conditions to anticipate up-to-date content via 24-hour cable news channels and the Internet.
They expect the same from their favorite writers and they judge their authors for their new content coming online.
4. Efficiency in the author’s platform
In order to promote themselves consistently and quickly, writers need platforms that they can innovate on their own. Authors must be able to create a consistent stream of useful and relevant information while responding to current events as they occur.
Long-term success is not possible if writers have to rely on the contributions of others – no matter how well-intentioned they may be.
5. Equality in the author platform
Authors need full control over the content of their platforms, or intellectual property. They cannot share ownership of their ideas with previously written content with others, such as magazines or newspapers, where their ideas begin to emerge.
Authors need full rights to the content of their platform in order to re-use and apply their ideas, examples, and tips.
For example, authors need to be able to come up with an idea as a tip and need to extend the tip into a newsletter, Write a book, e-book, or report based on literature and sell the book, or video series, based on a book or report.
Authors need the freedom to reuse and reuse content because, in order to save time and money, authors need to create more sustainable content than ever before.
6. integration into the author platform
A solid author platform includes many interactive features, such as online articles, one, or more, websites, blogs, and visibility on marketing and social networking sites such asLinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, etc.
Success requires that its authors build solidarity between these various online media. Topics need to be grouped together so that they are all larger than the total number of parts.
7. Collaboration in the author platform
The author’s presence online should be viewed as a conversation, not as a monologue, and no author can know everything.
The author’s platforms should allow for student and guest comments, feedback, and questions. A powerful author platform creates a community where everyone wants to be heard and in order to learn from readers, the authors need to engage them and their market.
Wrapping Up
This is all about this article and hopes these tips help you in framing your effective author platform to be recognized by the editor, and publisher which is directly impacting the reach of your readers.
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General FAQ Related to the Author Platform
Q 1. What is an author’s platform?
It is evidence to prove your skill to market and promote your writing by using your overall visibility to reach the target audience and potential online readers.
Q 2. How do you build an effective author platform?
It is built with the help of a different online platform, social networks, media and books, contacts, and peers by delivering printed and published content.
Q 3. How you measure the author’s platform
The power of the author’s platform is measured by the author’s ability to use their influence and access to sell and improve their writing work.
Q 4. Does the author’s platform need a website
Not recommended, but the author will want to have a website to check out his work or need an online platform to sell his relevant content that includes a link or your signature of questionnaires to publishers and editors, etc
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