If you are a beginner in research and wish to attend a conference or seminar, you need to submit an abstract.
But writing an abstract without conducting any research is the hardest task you must complete.
We are here to demonstrate to you how to write a successful best for any conference or research paper in detail.
Commonly an it could be a summary of any scientific writing, research articles, thesis, or any documents, which contain all the data in your document.
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An abstract is prepared in such a manner that readers get all information and analysis similarly because the argument of your documents quickly and understand the aim of your manuscript.
The structure of an abstract contains the following points
- Title/objective of the study
- Authors:
- Affiliation:
- Corresponding author:
- Abstract body:
- Keywords:
- Acknowledgments:
An Abstract published in SCI/WoS Journalhttps://doi.org/10.1111/are.14317

Generally, in all science subjects, an abstract should be written in a very maximum of 250 words and 4-5 keywords that may be in Time New Roman font, 1.5 maximum spacing, and 12 font sizes using Microsoft word.
Corresponding authors must be highlighted by an asterisk (*) and presenting authors must be bold or underlined.
Title/objective of the study:It should be descriptive, direct, and accurate, select a topic that defined your research question and can empower you to try and do research work.
Author:usually the person who made his academic contribution to the paper i.e. Designed the study and laboratory experiment and data collection, statistical analysis, checked the results, interpreted them, and wrote the manuscript.
Note: You ought to not exceed the number of authors for a clever scientific paper, it should be six or less than six (Varies from Journal to Journal) avoid title: Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. before authors name
Affiliation of the authors:In an abstract, the affiliation is the institute/university/college from which each author belongs, it’s generally enlisted below the author’s name as, department, University/Affiliation, and Country.
For example, the following are the pattern of the author’s order
First Author1*, Second Author2, Third Author3… so on
1Department, University/Affiliation, Country
2Departments, University/Affiliation, Country
3Departments, University/Affiliation, Country
Read: Author Order In A Research Paper
Corresponding author:It’s one in each of the authors who provide intellectual input in your paper or abstract and take all responsibilities for the paper during and in spite of all communication.
*Corresponding author: E-mail: abc@gmail.com; Phone. 123456789.
Abstract body:Texts is of maximum of 250 words containing different structures viz., Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion: see below image

Objective:the first sentence of an abstract that reflects the topic of study, including the time, and region of the study conducted, it also covers the questions highlighted in this study and their interrelationship among themes:
Methods:Are the research designs developed or protocol followed by the researcher to solve the objective of the proposed study and description of the result?
Results:This is the section of the abstract in which one has to simply present the main find of the study without any bias or data interpretation, data should be presented once statically analyzed in a systematic and logical arranged
Conclusion:This is the final section and a portion of an abstract in which you have to say about the issue you raised in your research, thesis, and paper.
Keywords:A least a minimum of five, excluding words from the title, it should be the word and sentences that exactly reflect the content of your writing documents.
Acknowledgments:If any should be placed at the top of the abstract. It enables you to thank all people who have helped you both finically and morally during the course of your research work.
Wrapping UP
This is all about writing an abstract and hopefully, you can write an effective abstract for any scientific event or research paper before publishing your manuscripts in a suitable research journal,
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Notion:This is often to notify you that for writing a successful abstract you have got to read carefully the author guidelines of the selected journal during which you’re visiting publish your paper and overall above design was utilized in good impact journal, conference, symposium, seminar, etc.
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General FAQ Related To Abstract In Research
Q 1. What is an abstract
It is a summary of research article, a thesis, a review, a conference proceeding, etc tell the reader in-depth analysis of a topic.
Q 2. how to write an abstract
Write a brief summary of each component of you paper in simple language, and revise and edit the to ensure it accurately reflects the main points of the paper while remaining within the word limit.
Q 3. What is the lenght of an abstract
Some journals still publish longer, but they’re usually 200–250 words
Q 4. What is the purpose of an abstract
The main purpose is to quickly and accurately understand the basic points of your research paper or article.
Very informative! Great job sir.