A research database is the collection and organization of different online sources such as scientific journals, books, research articles, papers, and other media used to retrieve information.
These research databases or search information deliberately help students, academics, and researchers to access the information they need during their research carrier and favored to use without having to sign up or pay for an expensive service.
All thereferences, info, and archives in these database lists can be used for free or sometimes you need free registration first. We focus to search and provide you the services that include free access catalog,open access journals, and many listed sites that offer at least some resources and the highlighted items.
Best Online Academic Research Database
The best online academic research database and information enlisted below are organized by instruction for ease to use and you can search your field in the database that should be linked directly to that category.
arXiv e-Print Archive Research database
ThearXivis a free e-print database service run by Cornell University Library and now offers open access to more than 1.8 million scholarly articles from well-known resources in the field of physic, electrical engineering, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, systematic science, quantitative finance, and economic.
BioMed Central Research Database
BioMed Centralis the UK-based not profitable scientific open access publisher and offers open access research from more than 290peer-reviewedjournals in the fields of biology, medicine, and health. You can browse these journals by topic or by subject, or you can search all articles by your required keyword.
CORE Research Database
TheCOREis the world’s largest collection of open access research journals and is a multidisciplinary aggregator for open access research and allows users to search for more than 66 million open access articles collected from more than 11 thousand data providers worldwide.
While most of these link to the full text located in the original publisher area, five million records are held directly in CORE and offer an advance search option in spite of keyword search, to filter the result of research by type, languages, year, type of journal, source ad author.
Digital Library of the Commons Repository Research Database
TheDigital Library of the Commons(DLC) repository is internally and a multimedia library that allows users to browse thousands of free access and open full-text articles, papers, and dissertations from around the world and is governed by Indiana University. You can browse by type of document type, date, author, title, and more or search for keywords related to your topic.
Directory of Open Access Journals Research Database
TheDirectory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ) was launched in the year 2003 and the database is to grow the visibility of professional access journals. It works indecently and gives researchers access to more than 15000 high-quality, peer-reviewed and open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. It has archived more than two million articles from 10 thousand journals which allows you to browse by topic or search by keyword.
Dryad Research Database
TheDryadis the ultimate digital library of selected, open scientific research that makes research data easily accessible to you. It is run by a non-profit membership organization that aims to “promote a world in which research data is readily available, integrated with expert literature, and reused to create information.
” It’s free to access, but be aware that there is a related publishing fee if you wish to publish your research data in Dryad.
Education Resources Information Center Research Database
TheEducation Resources Information Center(ERIC), is an online library and supported by the Institution of Education Sciences. ERIC provides free public access to public research and educational services in any topics related to the field for an educator, researchers, and the general public.
ERIC has a large set of more than 1.5 million database records of journal articles and other educational materials where you may need to purchase information, but you can only search for text-filled articles. This service mainly identifies journals, literature, and books.
Google Scholar Research Database
Google Scholaris a search engine dedicated to academic work and the best research database for looking for a scientific paper and you can download that paper freely.
Google Scholar offers an easy way to extensively search for scholarly articles and from one location, you can search for a wide range of fields and resources like essays, suggestions, books, summaries, and court opinions, from academic publishers, technical communities, online repositories, universities, and other websites.
Google Scholar helps you find worldwide academic research and provide an easy way for writers to showcase their academic publications. Your articles, graph quotes over time and calculates author multiple quote metrics to appear in Google Scholar
JURN Research Database
TheJURNis a free online tool for finding and downloading research articles. It is a multidisciplinary search engine and provides you links to various academic websites, articles, and journals all for free or open access specifically covering the arts, humanities, business, legal, environmental, scientific, and medical fields.
JURN has identified nearly 5,000 indexes to help you find exactly what you are looking for.
Open DOAR Research Database
The open DOAR, orDirectory of Open Access Repositories, is a complete source for open access journals and articles and is maintained by the University of Nottingham and does not provide any metadata but you can assess by using Google Custom Search. The DOAR uses open access boxes around the world and retrieves relevant research in all fields.
Public Library of Science Research Database
ThePublic Library of Science (PLOS) is a non-profitable and largest player in the world of open access in fields of science, technology, and medicines and was founded in 2001 to provide a library of open access journals dedicated to helping open up educational research.
According to the site, “all PLOS content is at the highest level of open access, meaning that scientific articles are readily available and freely available to anyone, anywhere.”
PubMed Research Database
ThePubMedis a free database of the National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information supporting the search in biomedical and life sciences. PubMed database is a well-known research platform in the field of science and medicine which provides more than 32 million citations and abstracts for biomedical texts from MEDLINE, health science journals, and online publications.” Although most resources are post-paid, you can filter your search to view only the full text, making this a very useful resource.
ScienceOpen Research Database
TheScienceOpenis a freely available and publishing network, provides open access to over 28 million articles in all fields of science. The advanced search function with a smart filter in ScienceOpen provides many details, allowing you to find exactly the research you are looking for although you need to subscribe to view the full text of the articles, registration is free.
ScienceOpen was founded with the aim of “creating open and public communication between academics and allowing ideas to be judged on their own merits, regardless of their background.”
Semantic Scholar Research Database
TheSemantic Scholaris a unique and easy-to-use tool, which helps to locate and understand the right research, make important connections, etc. Semantic Scholar uses the power of artificial intelligence to fine-tune millions of science-related papers according to your search terms and you can search 192 million research papers in all fields of science.
According to the site, even though some articles are post-paid, so you can expect to get full-text results. Another feature is advanced search options, which allow you to search by cell type and brain region, among other things.
Social Science Research Network Research Database
TheSocial Science Research Network(SSRN) was founded in 1994 and in 2016 Elsevier bought SSRN from Social Science Electronic Publication Inc.
The SSRN is the biggest open access online research database or collection of papers from the field of social sciences and humanities community and others it provides more than 700,000 abstracts and more than 600,000 research papers under the discipline of social sciences, humanities, engineering science, life science, applied science health, and physical sciences.
SSRN has no particular option to search for full articles, but because most of the pages on this site have free access and you must be a subscriber, but registration is free and allows you to connect with other professionals around the world.
Worldwide Science Research Database
TheWorldwide Scienceis a global research database search engine and proved access to speed up the national and international scientific data and processes from different sources by providing a one-stop searching database.
Worldwide science tools proved real-time searing and automatic language translation features help users to search results in their preferred language in multilingual scientific literate.
This is all about this article and hopes these free online database sources and information help you in your literature search and research journal discovery before publishing in asuitable research journal,KRSis an online learning platform, which brings novel articles from time to time, stay connected.
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