If you are a researcher and are looking for a free scopus indexed journal for your publication.
The purpose of this article is to present a list of the top 10 free Scopus indexed journal in biotechnology and life science
These journals are all listed in the Scopus index and do not require any publication fees or charges, As a result, these journals are called open access journals
Read: Open Access and Peer-Reviewed Journals for free publication
For the purpose of gathering information regarding free scopus indexed journal and providing data regarding these journals, a variety of sources have been used for the writing of this article, as well as assistance from the official website of these journals.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on email if you have any problems with the publication of your research paper.
List of top 10 free scopus indexed journal in biotechnology and life sciences
It is widely known that Scopus is one of the most widely used indexing agency for research journals in the world, and some of them are free of charge, while others charge a fee for publishing a paper in the journal, but you are still able to publish your paper in all of them as long as you follow the guidelines.
In this article, we have compiled a list of 10 Free Scopus indexed journals in biotechnology and life sciences, which we mentioned in the title, based on Scopus-citation scores, which are calculated by observing how often a journal’s articles are cited by others.
1. Annals of Human Biology
This academic journal, Annals of Human Biology, is published bimonthly and publishes the results of research in the fields of human population biology, nature, development, and the causes of human variation etc
Taylor & Francis publishes it on behalf of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, which is the official journal of that society and it is the official journal for all the Society members
Impact factor of the journal: The impact factor of Annals Of Human Biology is 1.24 (2016)
Publisher: Taylor & Francis is the publisher of this Journal
Publication frequency: Biomonthly is the frequency of publication for this journal
Founded: In 1974 until now
ISSN number: journal is published by the following p-ISSN: 0301-4460 e-ISSN: 1464-5033
Policy of publication
With the appearance of Volume 50 of Annals of Human Biology (2023), we are pleased to inform you that the journal has now been converted to a full Open Access publication.
The previous volumes of Annals of Human Biology will continue to be available through a Pay-to-Read model and the journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
2. Biological Agriculture And Horticulture
The Journal of Biological Agriculture & Horticulture is one of the few academic journals that is devoted to the study of alternative systems of husbandry, as well as alternative agricultural techniques.
A central theme of the study is the biological or organic approach to food production, with a particular emphasis on this as the central theme of the study.
Several studies are published on the use of energy and water in temperate and tropical agriculture, horticulture, and forestry, along with the impact they have on the environment.
Impact factor of the journal: Biological Agriculture And Horticulture have an impact factor of 1.864 in 2021
Publisher: Taylor & Francis is the publisher of this Journal
Publication frequency: This journal publishes at least once every quarter
Founded: From 1982 to the present
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following p-ISSNs: 0301-4460 e-ISSN: 1464-5033
Policy of publication
The journal has an open access policy, which means that all of its articles are freely available
You can publish your paper in this journal open access through the Open Select program, which is provided as a free option to our subscribers.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
3. Biotechnology Advances
The Biotechnology Advances journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that focuses on the principles of biotechnology as well as industry applications of research in agriculture, medicine, and the environment in the field of biotechnology.
Impact factor of the journal: Currently, it is estimated that Biotechnology Advances has an impact factor of 14.23 (2020).
Publisher: This journal is published by Elsevier, one of the world’s leading publishers
Publication frequency: The journal publishes at least once every two months
Founded: From 1983 to the present
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following p-ISSN: 0734-9750, e-ISSN:1873-1899
Policy on publication
Biotechnology Advances provides authors with two options for how they can publish their research in the journal
Firstly, the gold open access article is open to both subscribers and the general public, with the author or their research funder being responsible for paying an open access publication fee.
Furthermore, subscription articles are available to subscribers as well as to developing countries and patient groups, as well as free open access publications.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
4. Critical Review In Biotechnology
There is an academic journal named Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. This journal publishes reviews of comprehensive articles that organize, evaluate, and present the current status of issues in the field of biotechnology.
The purpose of this journal is to provide a critical evaluation of recent and current publications and, on a periodic basis, to provide state-of-the-art reports from geographical areas around the world.
Each article is written by an author who is a recognized expert in their field, and each article is reviewed by an objective expert to ensure that the information presented is accurate and objective.
Impact factor of the journal: Critical Review In Biotechnology has an impact factor of 9.062 as of the year 2021.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis, which is one of the world’s most prestigious publishers in this field
Publication frequency: The journal publishes once a quarter
Founded: From 1978 until today
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following P-ISSN: 0738-8551, E-ISSN: 1549-7801
Policy on publication
The Critical Review In Biotechnology offers authors the option of free publication of their articles as well as the option of paying $1150 for an article with color and there is no charge for articles without color.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
5. Current Opinion In Chemical Biology
There are six issues of the journal published each year, which cover the following 10 sections, which are reviewed once a year, including Omics, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Next Generation Therapeutics, Molecular Imaging, Chemical Genetics and Epigenetics, Synthetic Biology, Synthetic Biomolecules and Synthetic Biology.
Current Opinion In Chemical Biology provides specialists with an educational platform in order to keep abreast of the growing body of information in this field through providing a systematic review forum to share their research findings in chemical biology .
Impact factor of the journal: Current Opinion In Chemical Biology has an impact factor of 8.822, just updated in 2022.
Publisher: Elsevier publishes the journal, which is one of the most prestigious agency
Publication frequency: It publishes bimonthly according to its frequency of publication
Founded: From 1990 to the present
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following p-ISSN: 1367, e-ISSN: 1879-0402
Policy on publication
Biotechnology Advances provides authors with two options for how they can publish their research in the journal
Firstly, the gold open access article is open to both subscribers and the general public, with the author or their research funder being responsible for paying an open access publication fee.
Furthermore, subscription articles are available to subscribers as well as to developing countries and patient groups, as well as free open access publications.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
6. International Journal of Radiation Biology
An international peer-reviewed journal, The International Journal of Radiation Biology, is published on a monthly basis and is devoted to publishing research on the effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on biology.
Ionizing radiation, ultraviolet radiation and visible light, accelerated particles, electromagnetic fields, ultrasound, heat and other modalities can all cause biological effects which can be studied in this journal.
Impact factor of the journal: Impact Factor of International Journal of Radiation Biology for 2021-2022 is 2.694.
Publisher: Taylor and Francis publish a journal on a regular basis
Publication frequency: Frequency of publication is monthly basis
Founded: From 1959 to now
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following p-ISSN:0955-3002 e-ISSN: 1362-3095
Policy on publication
Authors have the option to publish in gold open access in this journal, as the journal operates a single blind peer review policy.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
7. Marine Biology Research
Marine Biology Research is a worldwide research journal and way for information exchange, ideas, and discussion on marine biology and biological oceanography.
As it is published on a bimonthly basis, the journal covers a wide range of fundamental and applied research on all oceans, marine environments, as well as on all marine organisms, and the primary criterion for acceptance is the quality of the work submitted.
Impact factor of the journal: Currently, the journal has an impact factor of 1.609 (2021)
Publisher: Taylor and Francis publish a journal
Publication frequency: It is published on a bimonthly basis in accordance with the frequency of publication
Founded: From 2005 to presenst
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following P-ISSN: 1745-1000, E-ISSN: 1745-1019
Policy on publication
Marine Biology Research generally charges a publication fee of 0.0 USD per article and authors are required to pay an overall article publishing charge (APC) of $0.0 USD per article in order to publish their article in Marine Biology Research under an Open Access License.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
8. Matrix Biology
In the field of matrix biology, Matrix Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes peer-reviewed original research. It is published semi-quarterly by Elsevier and is available online.
Matrix Biology, the leading journal in extracellular matrix research, focuses on cellular interactions with the extracellular matrix.
Impact factor of the journal: There is an impact factor of 11.58 (2020) for Matrix Biology.
Publisher: Elsevier is one of the world’s most prestigious publishers in this field, and Elsevier publishes this journal.
Publication frequency: It is published semi qaurtly
Founded: This is a brief history of the organization from 11981 until today
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following P-ISSN: 0945-053X, E-ISSN: 1569-1802
Policy on publication
Biotechnology Advances provides authors with two options for how they can publish their research in the journal
Firstly, the gold open access article is open to both subscribers and the general public, with the author or their research funder being responsible for paying an open access publication fee.
Furthermore, subscription articles are available to subscribers as well as to developing countries and patient groups, as well as free open access publications.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
9. Microbes and infection
Microbes and Infection publishes semi-quarterly peer-reviewed issues per year covering a variety of host-microbe interactions at various levels of bacteriophage interaction, including:
Microbes and Infection publishes articles pertaining to human pathogens and pathogens found in model organisms. Articles on other microbes may also be accepted for publication if the article contributes to our understanding of the basic mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions.
Impact factor of the journal: As of 2022, there is an impact factor of 9.57 for Microbes and infection.
Publisher: Elsevier is one of the world’s most prestigious publishes this journal.
Publication frequency: It is published semi-quarterly by the Elsevier
Founded: From 1968 until today
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following p-ISSN:1286-4579, e-ISSN: 169-714X
Policy on publication
Biotechnology Advances provides authors with two options for how they can publish their research in the journal
Firstly, the gold open access article is open to both subscribers and the general public, with the author or their research funder being responsible for paying an open access publication fee.
Furthermore, subscription articles are available to subscribers as well as to developing countries and patient groups, as well as free open access publications.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
10. Nature Biotechnology
Nature Biotechnology’ is one of the peer-reviewed publications that is published by Nature Portfolio on a monthly basis.
This journal deals with the commercial business sector of biotechnology, including the results of research as well as the commercial aspects of the field as a whole.
Impact factor of the journal: Currently, there is an impact factor of 68.16 (2021) for this journal
Publisher: This journal is published by Nature Portfolio, an imprint of the Nature Group.
Publication frequency: The Journal is published on a monthly basis
Founded: Fom 1983 to the present day
ISSN number: This journal is published by the following P-ISSN: 1087-0156 e-ISSN: 1546-1696
Policy on publication
Biotechnology Advances provides authors with two options for how they can publish their research in the journal
Firstly, the gold open access article is open to both subscribers and the general public, with the author or their research funder being responsible for paying an open access publication fee.
Furthermore, subscription articles are available to subscribers as well as to developing countries and patient groups, as well as free open access publications.
For a link to the official journal website, please click here
Read: 15+ Scopus/SCI Fast Publication Journals with No Fees
Wrapping up
In this article, we will provide a list of the top 10 free Scopus indexed journals in the area of biotechnology and life science for the publication your paper freely in these free scopus indexed journals.
We will also provide the impact factor, frequency of publication, ISSN, and a lot more. Our hope is that this information and journal will help you in your search for research funding and publication of your research paper
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General FAQ Related To Free Scopus indexed journal
Q 1. Can we publish review paper in Free Scopus indexed journal
Q 2. Meaning of Open Access Journals and Free Journals
Using the term “Free Journal” only means that the journal publishes articles free of charge and charges no fees to the authors. Using the term “Open Access Journal” means that the articles are available to all for free, so everyone can access the articles and download them for free.
Q 3. Open Access Journal means to us
No access fee or subscription fee is required for anyone to access the articles.
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