It is very likely that you heard the term i10-index if you are a researcher and you published a paper during your research period.
If you have not heard of this term till date and wish to know more about it, you are in right place.
In this article we will discussing in detal about i10-index and also show you how you can calculate this index for your research publication by using the methods discussed in this article.
Its our gurantee, that after reading this article in detail and carefully, I hope you will be able to assess and apply this index in you research
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i10-index is the quantities matric used to assess the quality of research work published by an author in his carrier of research.
This method of citation is provided by Google scholar database and is defined as the number of papers with a minimum of 10 or more citations each or how many papers have cited a minimum of 10 times are called the i10-index.
Read: How To Conduct A Literature Review Using Google Scholar Step By Step Guide
It is also treated as author level matric which helps to measure the efficiency of an author. For Example, if you have 7 papers published and out of which only 5 papers have 10 or more than 10 citations it means your i10-index is 5
How to calculate i10-index
This index is calculated by Google scholar database and for this, you need to create an account on Google scholar and add all your publication both manually or automatically in this account.
i10-index=the number of publication with at least 10 citation
Let’s explain with an example.

In this above table, you can see the author has published 10 papers, and out of these 10 papers, only the first 7 papers have 10 or more citations. Hence, the author has an i10-index of 7, and it’s very simple to calculate. You only count the 10 citations of your paper published.
There are some unique author or renowned scientist who has i10-index more than 100, it means those the persons have 100 published paper or more and out of which 100 paper were cited 10 times or more than 10 times each
You can see the i10-index ofCharles Robert Darwinin the below picture in which i10-index was highlighted with yellow shown that 663 for all and 267 since 2015

It means only 663 papers of Charles Darwin have been cited 10 times each and out of which 267 paper was published since 2015 which was 10 times cited by different authors.
Read: What Are Citation Metrics And Why Are They Important
Wrapping Up
This is all about this article, and I hope these calculations and info help you to calculate your i10-index and improve it by publishing in a suitable research journal.
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Note:This index is calculated only by Google scholar database and appears to measure the impact ofscientific writing.
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General FAQ Related To i10-index
Q 1. What is an i10 index
The i10-index is a metric that measures the productivity and impact of a researcher’s publications by counting the number of publications that have been cited at least ten times.
Q 2. How to calculate i10 index
i10-index=the number of publication with at least 10 citation
Q 3. Is the i10 index the same as the h-index
No, the i10-index and h-index are different. H-index is the count all citations a researcher’s work have received, whereas i10-index only count publications that have been cited at least 10 times
Q 4. Where can I find my i10 index
In Google scholar dasboard
Q 5. How introduce i10 index and why
This index was introduced by Google Scholar as a way to provide a more accurate picture of a researcher’s research work impact by focusing on the most cited papers.
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