When you start finding an original research journal for your research publication or conference or you find an article that is important for the contribution of our academic project you must be familiar that how much authenticity the source possessed in the academic circle, are you going through the right journal or is the article originality can we trust on the basis of Journal Ranking.
Here will be answers to all your questions regarding academic research.
Dear researchers for the most successful publication of our research the most important thing we need to identify is what are those groups used to measure the publication system among all databases and avoid fake journals.
The most important one is the Web of Science Group, which is considered the most perfect and world-leading group, and the second one is the Scopus Group which is also called an Elsevier Scopus.
Both the Webs of science group and Scopus group are major groups, which provide the journal ranking indexes and academic journals word wide, so let us explain one by one
1. Web of Sciences Group of journals
Web of science group is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service which is also called SCI this was originally produced by the Institute of Scientific Healthcare Information (ISI) and the ISI was acquired by Thomson scientific healthcare in 1994 and named Thomson Reuters which is later on called Thomson ISI. However everybody knows about Thomson Reuters because this is the famous one, but now this is maintained by a service which is called Clarivate analytics.
2. The Scopus Group of journals
Scopus is also a very broad group and this was launched in 2004 by one of the Dutch company information and analytics and this is also called an Elsevier and the Scopus is a group which has a very big and extensive database as compared to the web of sciences, most importantly there are few important major sites of this Scopus over the web of Sciences of being more broader and more extensive than Scopus or Thomson router among them it consists of the partnership with 5,000 publishers, almost 22,000 serial titles and 150,000 registered books and 1.4 million citation references, now from the above-mentioned figures and partnerships, it is clear that the Scopus has a much more extensive database and much broader than the Web of Science database.
Scopus journals or Elsevier journals are reviewed annually to measure the quality of the Journal check the quality of the Journal these are provided with a few services like the site score, SJR also called SC imago journal Rank and SNIP (source normalized per impact per paper).
So for better understanding, we are going to verify one of a random journal through these services and also for the web of science.
Let’s start, first of all, by going to search journal list from a browser for this purpose we will go to our Google browser and take some random sample of the journal as I belong to the Fishery field and just write down the fishery journals in India, and here we found first of all Indian Journal of fisheries, let’s check this through both above mention data base.

Take this Indian Journal of fisheries or you can randomly take one Journal and copy this journal title, ISSN number and go through the following process
Journal Verification through Web of sciences
First of all, we will go to check the authenticity of the journal from the web of Sciences in the Google search engine by writing JML, which stands for master journal list or you can also write down the web of Sciences or privatelist, whatever you want all these are the same thing.

Now we just open the Web of Sciences Master list link and type down or just paste the journal name that we have copied previously from Google search engines you can also write down the ISSN number of a journal in the search bar and you can observe from the result that Indian Journal of Fisheries is enlisted in the web of science or the Clarivate, here you can check all the detail of the journal, the ISSN number, and the title, etc. whatever you want to check.

You can also view the further detail of this journal but for this purpose, you have to sign in, you have to make a free ID on this web portal and you can see furthermore detail about this journal, about the country name the mode of publication and the categories of the journal and all about the citations statistic and all the other parameters you wish to know

Let’s us verify the same Journal as we have selected before from the other source which is Scopus as we know that the Scopus can be verified from the provider services to check the quality of the journal which includes the www.scopus.com, SC imago journal Rank www.scimagojr.com and SNIP (source normalized per impact per paper), we start with www.scopus.com, go to your Google browser and type down the www.scopus.com (you can also, login to your account if you have an account or you can make a new account in Scopus) if you don’t have an account you can just go by looking for the general ranking and metrics, just nowhere in the taskbar you can also write the ISSN number or you can search the journal by title.

In the previous, I have done by the title now I will just copy the ISSN number for the Indian Journal of Fisheries and for this, I will go to the website and then I will copy the ISSN number and just simply paste the ISSN number and click on find sources and found one result here you can see that box on Indian Journal of Fisheries is in list

just click here and you will find out all the details of the journal which is listed here you can find that the journal is ongoing from 1974 by India council of agriculture research, cite score, ISSN number, and all other details as well.

Now you can see that we have verified one of our selected journals by scopus.com and now we can also verify this journal by the other quality services of Scopus i.e, in SC imago Rank in www.scimagojr.com and SNIP, by writing the journal name or just paste your ISSN numbers on the search bar and just click on it.

You found that the Indian Journal of Fisheries is enlisted in SGR and the h-index is 12, which is quite good and now you can go and check further detail about this journal, the statistic, the citations, and the previous history of the journal as well.
You can go down to check the further analysis to check the impact factor of the journal and you can also check the Q category of the journal and found that the Indian Journal of Fisheries falls in the Q4 category etc.

Finally, in this way we have verified successfully the Indian Journal of Fisheries in different sources to check the quality such as reliability or authenticity and found that this IJF is an Original scientific journal and not a fake.
Dear researchers in this way, you can check the quality of every reserch journals with the help of these two reliable sources, the Web of science group and Scopus group and you can authenticate each journals before your publication.
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This is all about this article and hopes this helps you to find out the difference between a good and fake before the time of research paper submission in any research journals, KRS is an online learning platform, which brings novel articles from time to time, stay connected.
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