What is UGC-CARE
The University Grant Commission (UGC) has established a dedicated Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (CARE) to ensure the prevention of academic misconduct that includes plagiarism among students, faculty, researchers, and staff. UGC-CARE was formed to promote quality research work improve academic integrity and publication ethics among all Indian universities and create a UGC-CARE references journal list for all academic purposes.
Types of UGC-CARE Journals (Group I & Group II)
Alljournalsenlisted in the Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (CARE) journals created by the University Grants Commission (UGC), India’s higher education governing body, are regarded as popular or high-quality journals and also called UGC-approved journals. The list is compiled by UGC according to various protocols and previously it was categorized into four groups namely Group A group B group C and Group D,
But now to simplify the process, it is reduced and was naturally divided into two groups Group I and Group II
Those journals found qualified through University UGC-CARE protocols or called UGC-CARE list group I and those journals are indexed in globally recognized databases such as Scopus and Web of Sciences databases are called UGC-CARE list Group II
The UGC-CARE list is dynamic and it will be updated every three months usually it will be updated on 1stof January 1st of April 1st of July and 1st of October months in every year.
How to findUGC-CAREjournals
Let’s see how to find the UGC-CARE list of journals online, go to Google browser just type UGC-CARE list and you will get a result in which the first link UGC-CARE Pune University, just click on that official website of the University Grant Commission click on this you can see

In this link, you will reach on University Grants Common, Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics (CARE) website, and on this website, you will get important notifications and a list of journals and everything you want to see the UGC-CARE list of journals Group I and group II, list of the cloned journal and other information. Click this UGC-CARE list and it will take you into the registration area.

To access this Group I and Group II list of journals you need to register here you have to register your credentials like you have to fill in all the particulars and give submit upon submitting it you will get that access you will get a user ID and using the password you can log in to the account.

Once you logged in now you can access the list of journals just click the UGC-CARE list and see the information about both group journals and you can search the particular journal’s information using theISSNnumber and journal name you wish to search.

In Group I, you can Search the journal name in various categories registered and categorized into i) Science ii) Social Science iii) Arts and Humanities and iv) Multidisciplinary based on a database formed and maintained by Scopus Elsevier called All Science Journal Classification (ASJC).

In the case of Group II, you can search journals by following links Web of Science include Arts and Human Citation Index, Extended Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Scopus database For more about Journal in Group II

You can search journals by the title or ISSN number and for all information about the publisher, subject or language, indexing of the publication, and other information for the identity of the journal in the UGC-CARE list.
Some journals are categorized as predatory or fake journals and cloned journals. Such journals are removed from the UGC-CARE list database from time to time after receiving complaints about several journals which are not following the standards of publishing journals or not following the publication practices proper peer-review process and in this act, the UGC removed such types of journals from UGC Care list and all those journals are available on the website as List of cloned Journals Group I and Group II by clicking you can see the name of the journal

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